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The Ultimate Guide To Soundproof Doors

Everybody needs an escape now and then from this busy modern world, noise – and the excess noise that accompanies it. Excess noise is not just a ‘nuisance’ or distraction, noise pollution can be a significant factor in our everyday health considerably increasing the risk of stroke in older people, whilst for children, prolonged exposure to excess noise has been proven to impair long term memory, reading and speech perception!

Sleep and rest are essential to everyone’s health and wellbeing – and not always easy to obtain in a busy family home. Soundproof doors – or acoustic doors offer a solution to these issues – they can be fitted anywhere at home and create a much calmer, more peaceful environment for all.  Here is a guide to soundproof doors and some reasons for you to consider investing in them:

How Soundproof Doors Work

A soundproof door is different from a regular or ‘standard’ door in that it has increased insulation that reduces or blocks all elements of noise pollution. The thicker materials of a soundproof door result in an increased mass that serves to ‘muffle’ and dissipate soundwaves and close any gaps through which sound may travel from one room or space to another.

To combat noise levels, soundproof doors are manufactured from materials that are efficient in absorbing sound – timber, steel, aluminium and often PVC. Most soundproof doors are usually composed of acoustic inserts between the outer cladding of other materials often made from dense fibre-plastic composite materials. Soundproof doors offer different levels of sound protection by absorbing and reflecting soundwaves, thereby preventing them from passing through the doors into adjoining areas or spaces.

Sound levels are measured or rated in decibels – these are noise levels against the sensitivity of the average human hearing capacity. Starting at zero decibels being complete silence – regular exposure to a decibel rating of 85 or above can result in permanent hearing damage to an individual. A typical conversation between two people is normally around 60 decibels whilst everyday household items can generate a higher level of rating perhaps 70-80 decibels, whilst the noise generated from heavy traffic registers at around 85 decibels, so there are perfectly valid reasons to install soundproof doors within your home!

Types of Soundproof Door

Soundproof doors are designed and manufactured in many styles and forms. You may think from the description of soundproof doors that they would be industrial-looking and unattractive, but this is not true – soundproof doors can be manufactured in aesthetically suitable and attractive finishes so that they complement any home environment. You can install simple soundproof doors in any room or have sliding or even patio or balcony doors – it is always wise to check with your door manufacturer or supplier as to the exact decibel rating of each type of door you have chosen.

Reasons For Installing Soundproof Doors

Many people do not consider the amount of noise that penetrates the home from outside – through a typical external door, noise will easily pass through any missing door seals, a letter box, glazed panels within the door set, and any gaps around the door frame – and even through the keyhole! Soundproof doors can provide a barrier to reduce that noise interruption and create a more peaceful environment – the rise in people who now operate hybrid working, or simply work from home full-time, means that there is an ever-increasing demand for soundproof doors in the home to create a space or room for undisturbed work.

Installing soundproof doors can also create spaces for you to listen to music, watch TV, or just talk without being disturbed or, just as importantly, disturb others! Many people suffer from noisy neighbours – or YOU may be a noisy neighbour – do you play a musical instrument or is one of your children a budding DJ? If so, remember that soundproof doors CONTAIN noise YOU make as well as blocking out noise from external sources! If you live on a busy road or a regular bus route – if any of these scenarios apply to you then it is probably time to invest in soundproof doors in your home!

Cost Effective

Consider also, the ever-increasing cost of gas, electricity and such – buildings lose their heat through doors and windows – soundproof doors act as great insulation as well as reducing noise and can make your home much more energy efficient and creating a cosier home environment whilst saving you money!

Enhanced Security

Whilst your first consideration for installing soundproof doors may be for a more peaceful environment, you should also appreciate the extra level of security they can provide in your home. The heavier, thicker materials used in manufacturing soundproof doors also make them more difficult to breach so can offer greater safety and security to occupants.

Soundproof Doors In The Workplace

Whilst we have looked at the advantages of installing soundproof doors in the home, they are also essential fixtures in the workplace. Noisy offices where you are trying to conduct an interview or telephone call/Teams Meetings and such, benefit greatly from having some rooms fitted with soundproof doors. Work environments such as hospitals, health clinics, schools and factories all have a need for soundproof doors and, of course, in environments such as cinemas, theatres and recording studios, soundproof doors are essential!


Installing soundproof fire rated doors can also provide protection against a fire outbreak in your home – soundproof doors can be manufactured from materials that are not only sound absorbent, but also effective in resisting heat, flame, and smoke in the event of a fire breaking out in the home.

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