If you’re with one of the larger construction companies then you’ll have multiple projects going across your desk. It’s all about working as a team so we won’t ask pointless questions but we will point out any inconsistencies and we’ll supply a pre-manufacturing schedule so that you can check it through before signing it off for manufacture.

We recognise the demands that building and construction customers are under when managing large contracts and we know of the pressures to deliver on time and at the right time. Phasing and “frames first, doors later” are normal concepts to us.

Last minute changes can delay a project dramatically. To avoid such delays we are pleased to offer our Express Service. When you’re against the clock you can short circuit the standard lead times. Express is our premium service offering anything from 24hrs to 3 weeks delivery and is available because we have a dedicated team able to work on at the end of their regular day in order to perform this task.

During the estimating stage of your enquiry, a member of our estimating team will be on hand to help you with any technical or regulatory information you might need as well as advice about expected availability of non-stock items such as laminates and samples if required.

When an enquiry goes to order stage it will be allocated to one of our technical team who will be responsible for checking, confirming and guiding the job through to completion.

You can call us on 020 3199 5849 or you can email your enquiry via the quick enquiry form.