Being specialist fire door manufacturers, we at Enfield Speciality Doors know there are many things to consider when minimising noise in an office environment, ambient noise level being a good starting point. If noise from the external environment, from passing trains or motor traffic for instance, is interfering with the spoken word between colleagues indoors, […]
Read MoreAcoustic Doors
Why Opt For Soundproof Doors In Your Home
There are many aspects in everyday life that can cause stress and upset – noise pollution is one of those issues. Whilst noise pollution in the workplace is often identified and accommodated for, it is not always the case in your home. Aside from any ‘outside’ noise like traffic, construction, neighbours and such, there are […]
Read MoreSecure a Recording Studio With Made To Measure Fire Doors
There are many environments in which soundproof doors are necessary or desirable – office environments where certain meetings and conversations need to be privately conducted, workshops where industrial work can generate excessive noise inhibiting other areas of the workplace, some educational establishments such as lecture theatres and classrooms where sound projected to an ‘audience’ needs […]
Read MoreTop soundproofing tips for an office space
In every work place there are daily distractions and issues that can disturb the smooth and efficient practice of your business. One of the most prevalent of these distractions is noise – if your workspace is based around an open plan design – and many are – then daily efficiency will be disturbed by noise […]
Read MoreSpecifying Acoustic Doors – Key Questions
Noise is bad for health. People who are exposed to constant high levels of noise, whether it’s in the workplace, home or outdoors, show increased hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases. The Architectural and Specialist Door Manufacturers’ Association (ADSMA) quotes two studies: a 2013 British Medical Journal study showed those who lived near Heathrow airport were […]
Read MoreTimber acoustic doors for industrial environments
Many industrial environments require parts of the buildings to be free from the everyday noisy atmosphere created on site. Industrial acoustic doors are an excellent noise control solution for containing sound in very loud environments such as factories, industrial buildings, power generation plants, film studios and theatres. To reduce noise from the likes of manufacturing, […]
Read MoreOur acoustic doors are suitable for all sectors
There are many situations and locations that may require the installation of acoustic, or sound blocking doors. Logically, any facility or building that requires sound to be separated from people, places or things to insure privacy, safety or productivity, but still must allow physical passage between two or more locations, will need this type of […]
Read MoreKey requirements for recording studio doors
There are a number of environments in which soundproof doors are a necessary requirement – hospitals, schools, theatres, hotels and such, but one of the most obvious examples is a recording studio. You need your acoustic doors to have a dual purpose – to keep the actual recording sound inside the studio, so as not […]
Read MoreKey Features & Uses Of 42db Acoustic Doors
There are a number of different environments in everyday life in which noise reduction is either preferable or essential! For example, if you’re sitting in the cinema trying to watch the latest blockbuster movie, the last thing you want is the accompanying soundtrack of the building site next door! It’s not always a matter of […]
Read MoreThe features of recording studio doors
When you are recording, the last thing you want is to pick up on any background noise. From other doors slamming to people talking, outdoor traffic to phones ringing, it can be hugely time-wasting, as well as incredibly frustrating. In many cases, you’ll only get one or two chances to get it right. You don’t […]
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